GREENSBURG — “Power and Purpose” is the theme to the 13th Annual Women in Business Conference presented by the Greensburg/Decatur County Chamber of Commerce June 13 at Greensburg Elementary School.

Doors open at 7:45 a.m.

This day-long event is held annually to empower, engage and encourage women from all walks of life and is sponsored by Decatur County Memorial Hospital, Duke Energy, First Financial Bank and Honda Manufacturing of Indiana.

Kicking off the 2019 event will be Lindsay Boccardo, who will be presenting “Motivation and the Millennial Mindset – Harnessing talent in a multi-generational workforce.”

Using labor statistics, generational research and her experiences in working with Millennials over the past decade, Lindsay will give you a deep dive into her “Four Factors of Millennial Engagement” framework and how to connect with them.

Other speakers include Deanna Young from the not-for-profit organization Bucket Buddies, who loves to write down goals and work toward accomplishing them. Her list of things that she wants to do are far enough out of reach that she has to work for them, but close enough that she can accomplish them by putting forth some effort. In her presentation at the Women in Business Conference, Deanna will be discussing “Journaling.”

Stephanie Jones is the author of a best-selling book titled “The Giving Challenge – 40 Days to a More Generous Life,” but her presentation for this year’s event will be “Designing Dreams.” Stephanie will lead the attendees on a hands-on experience where they will design a dream board that will assist them in their journey to making their dreams a reality. She will empower conference goers to navigate through obstacles and encourage them to find time for themselves, to live out their life-long dreams.

The day will also include a special networking session that attendees will have fun participating in and following lunch, the event will have a fashion show with discussion revolving around business, business casual and what is trending as presented by the Greensburg Maurice’s Store.

Breakfast, snacks and lunch is included in the price of admission.

There will also be numerous area business set up as vendors at the event and most will be giving away a door prize at the end of the day, which is expected to conclude by 3:30 p.m.

Lora Williams is the chairperson for this event and her Women in Business committee is made up of Mandy Lohrum, Pam Hersley, Mindy Busemeyer, Susan Burkhart, Jason Barbieri and Melissa Bruns.

Tickets are $59 if registered by June 3, $69 after June 3.

Registration is available online at the Chamber website, under upcoming events or you may call 812-663-2832 for more information and to sign up.

Vendor booth space is still available by contacting the Greensburg/Decatur County Chamber of Commerce or the Ripley County Chamber of Commerce.

The Greensburg/Decatur County Chamber of Commerce appreciates the assistance of the Ripley County Chamber of Commerce with this event.