If you don’t have medical insurance, you can be exposed to high health care bills, or if you have too little or the wrong kind of coverage, you may not have enough protection. A serious injury or illness can be financially devastating as well. Let our ClaimAid experts at Decatur County Memorial Hospital help you.

As a trusted partner and compassionate advocate, ClaimAid is the leading provider of comprehensive eligibility and enrollment services and claims resolution for hospitals, patients, individuals and their families. For DCMH, it’s an improved revenue cycle, educational resources and offers opportunities to use the savings to purchase new equipment and building improvements. For uninsured and underinsured patients, it’s caringly navigating them through the complex screening, enrollment and appeals process for federal, state and other health coverage options. As the health marketplace continues to evolve and new coverage options emerge, ClaimAid continues to guide their clients through the process, helping them understand the options available and what the changes mean for them.

The DCMH ClaimAid representative will help you understand all of your options:

Indiana Health Coverage Program includes several categories of Medicaid and the Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP) offering full health benefits. All have qualification and documentation requirements that can be overwhelming.

Health Insurance Marketplace is a resource where individuals, families and small businesses can learn about health coverage options, compare health insurance plans based on costs, benefits and other important features, choose a plan and enroll in coverage.

No Wrong Door Approach is required by the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and aims to provide seamless coverage for all individuals. The goal is to prevent loss of coverage during transitions between Medicaid and other health coverage as a result of irregular or unpredictable income changes. Understanding how to maintain insurance coverage will be important.

At ClaimAid, their compassionate Patient Advocates at Decatur County Memorial Hospital are available to help you and your family apply for financial assistance and guide you through the entire process, giving you peace of mind. Contact them today and find out if you are eligible. Their services are free to all individuals.

To contact your ClaimAid Patient Advocates at Decatur County Memorial Hospital, please call 812-663-1257. Patients can also meet with April Speers from ClaimAid onsite and receive assistance in completing applications for Hospital Presumptive Eligibility (HPE), Medicaid and Healthy Indiana Plan (HIP), and marketplace plans. She is located down HIM hallway third door on the right.