November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month and in conjunction with that, Decatur County Memorial Hospital is now offering their Lung Screenings for $25. The noninvasive, painless screenings are a Low-Dose Computed Tomography (CT) scan for individuals with a significant history of tobacco use.

Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the United States among both men and women. Majority of lung cancers are caused by cigarette smoking and usually not detected until symptoms develop. By that time, the disease is often more advanced, making a cure much less likely.

Low-dose CT scans provide earlier detection, when lung cancer is most treatable and curable. The National Lung Screen Trial (NLST) findings reveal that those who receive low-dose CT scans had a 15-20% lower risk of dying from lung cancer than those that received standard chest X-rays.

What are your risks?

You are considered high risk if you are:

  • A current or former smoker age 55-77 AND you have a 30 pack per year history
  • Older than 50 with a 20+ pack per year history plus:
    • Radon or occupational carcinogen exposure (asbestos, arsenic, diesel fumes, etc.)
    • Family history of lung cancer
    • COPD or pulmonary fibrosis
    • Personal history of cancer or lymphoma

Discuss your medical history, the risks of screening and benefits with your physician.

What You Can Do

  • If you are a smoker, STOP SMOKING.
  • Avoid exposure to secondhand smoke
  • Make your home and work environment smoke-free.
  • Test your home for radon.
  • Be aware of industrial compounds.

“There is nothing more important than knowing the health of your lungs. The more risk factors you have, the greater your need for a screening,” says Dr. Robert Hasson, DCMH Radiologist.

For more information about the $25 DCMH Lung Screening, call 812-663-1157.